December 27, 2023 SNES emulator: writing a multi-threaded renderer I have been working on an emulator for the Super Nintendo (SNES), in Rust. Although it performed fine in a single-threaded design on a modern system, I wanted to parallelize work within the process to give the emulator some more... rust snes
February 12, 2023 Embedded Rust: customizing the Cortex-M exception vector table When writing Rust code for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers it is common to use the cortex-m-rt and the cortex-m crates. The first provides a minimum base and startup code to generate executables for Cortex-M, the second provides access to the core... rust embedded embedded-rust arm cortexm
January 16, 2023 Solving Advent of Code 2022 day 13 in Rust I took this (2022) Advent of Code as an opportunity to learn the Rust programming language. This post is about the puzzle on day 13 where I managed to come up with a pretty cleanly implementated solution thanks to some... rust adventofcode nom